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26 de outubro de 2015
Um novo caso de febre do Nilo ocidental confirmado em Mississipi, EUA.

One new case of West Nile virus has been confirmed in Mississippi, bringing the state's total to 38 so far this year. The Mississippi State Department of Health said Monday that the new case of the mosquito-borne illness was confirmed in Hinds County. One death was previously reported in Attala County.

So far this year, 11 cases have been confirmed in Hinds County; eight in Rankin County; five in Madison County; two each in Forrest, Simpson and Yazoo counties; and one each in Adams, Attala, Copiah, Covington, Lauderdale, Marion, Montgomery and Washington counties.The Health Department only releases statistics about laboratory-confirmed cases. In 2014, Mississippi had 43 cases of West Nile virus, with seven deaths.

(c) 2015. The Associated Press Newswires

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