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26 de outubro de 2015
Sobreviventes do ebola submetem-se a três testes especializados

Oct 26, Liberia -About 1,500 Ebola survivors targeted for enrollment in the on-going Natural History Study on the Ebola virus are to shortly undergo three additional medical tests to determine their health status.The study is also known as the Joint Liberia-US Partnership for Research on Ebola in Liberia (PREVAIL).

A release quoting Mobilizers and Communicators of the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) and PREVAIL said Ebola survivors who have already enrolled in the medical study/research will be called between the period of three to six months at the JFK Medical Center to undergo the tests.
Addressing a community engagement forum in Bardnersville Estate, outside Monrovia, recently, Liberian medical practitioner Beatrice Bah of PREVAIL explained that the three additional tests will be conducted in partnership with four medical doctors from the United States of America.

She told the over 200 participants, including Ebola survivors, community and youth leaders, elderly and ordinary residents that the tests will focus on the nervous system, brain, eyes and semen or sperm of Ebola survivors. According to the release, the three tests are aimed at addressing special medical cases of Ebola survivors who continue to face problems with their sight, short memory, as well as to know how long the EVD can last in the semen or sperm of male Ebola survivors.

(c) 2015 AllAfrica

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