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29 de outubro de 2015
425 casos de influenza sazonal em duas semanas, Arábia Saudita

The Ministry of Health on Sunday reported 425 positive cases of seasonal flu which included 128 from the capital Riyadh and 168 in the commercial hub of Jeddah.

A senior official from the Ministry of Health said that the period from October to April is the active period for seasonal flu as it is in countries such as the United States, some countries in East and West Africa, as well as East and South Asia.

The official explained that in most cases of influenza complications do not occur, but the influenza virus may cause infections in the chest and respiratory failure, and in some cases may lead to death, especially in high-risk groups such as children under five, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with chronic diseases.
According to epidemiological statistics, deaths from influenza proportion fell from 6.8 percent last year to 1.6 percent.

Last week, the ministry intensified its nationwide campaign against seasonal flu by introducing vaccination centers in public places for 10 days.

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Secretaria de saúde
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