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03 de novembro de 2015
Casos de dengue somam quase 30.000 em Taiwan, CDC.

 Casos de dengue somam quase 30.000 em Taiwan, CDC.

The number of dengue fever cases reported since the start of may could soon break the 30,000 threshold, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Tuesday.
As of Monday, 29,921 cases were seen islandwide, an increase of 337 cases from the previous day, the CDC said.

The outbreak remains concentrated in the southern Taiwan cities of Tainan and Kaohsiung, where 21,874 and 7,521 cases were seen, respectively.
The CDC data showed that the epidemic continues to surge in Kaohsiung, where a record-high daily increase of 252 cases was reported.

However, the situation in Tainan has been abating, with 76 new cases seen overnight, the agency said. In 2014, Taiwan reported 15,732 dengue fever cases, the highest annual number since the authorities began keeping such records. Previous to that, the highest number of cases recorded in a single year was around 2,000, both in 2007 and 2010.

Fonte: Central News Agency English News

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