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06 de novembro de 2015
Iraque : epidemia de cólera

The United Nations Children's Fund manager said " UNICEF " in Iraq, the outbreak of the cholera extended to Syria, Bahrain and Kuwait, and there is a danger from his change into a regional epidemic .He observed the disease - that can lead to the death during hours - to the west of the capital Baghdad in September and injured since then 2200 persons at least and caused the death of six.

Peter Hawkins, Unicef manager, in Iraq said the outbreak " he has a regional driving force actually, and this endurance can increase with the arrival of a people various region areas to Iraq . Kuwait, Bahrain and Syria by it is certain cases actually " .

Cholera from the sharp diarrhea diseases resulting from taking foods or polluted waters . The disease moves easily in the regions deprived of the main infrastructures as the clean waters, the toilets and the sewerage equipments .

Iraq suffers years ago from the shabbiness of its infrastructure, specially in the sectors of waters and electricity, and any of the governments successive to the countries didn't succeed during more than a decade from finding the solutions to improve these services.

Fonte: FARS News Agency


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