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09 de novembro de 2015
Bureau of Public Health requires external confirmation of zik-V

There are two confirmed cases of the Zika virus (zik-V). These cases were confirmed by the AZP. The Bureau of Public Health (BOG) has made it known that it requires external confirmation of these results. This stance has dismayed AZP Lab Director John Codrington who stated that it shows a lack of confidence in local authority.

The BOG has made it clear why they have come to this decision. They will conduct further tests through CARPHA because this is the first possible instance of the virus locally; the virus is similar in presentation to other, such as dengue fever and chikungunya (chik-V) ; and the positive test cases may have brought it back from foreign travels.

The call for further study will not disrupt any preventative measures as doctors have been armed with the necessary information that the public requires regarding the nature and procedures surrounding the virus. It’s similarity to dengue and chik-V means that a similar approach to prevention is required. People need to ensure that their homes and communities are free of mosquito-friendly breeding grounds.

While there is no cure or vaccine for the virus, health officials urge persons to reduce the risk of contracting Zika virus infection by using the following measures: Use anti-mosquito devices (insecticide-treated bed nets, coils, smudge pots, spray, repellents) and wearing long sleeves and clothes with long legs, especially during the hours of highest mosquito activity (morning and late afternoon).

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Secretaria de saúde
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PET Rio sem fumo Rio imagem 10 minutos salvam vidas Xô, Zika !!