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26 de novembro de 2015
Suspeita de “Antrax” em mesquita na Bélgica

THE oldest mosque in Belgian capital Brussels has been evacuated after envelopes containing with "suspicious white powder" were reportedly found.

Evacuated: Suspicious white powder was reportedly found inside Brussels' oldest mosque
It comes as the city has been on high alert for the past week in the wake of the Paris attacks.
Specialist decontamination units have now been summoned to the scene amid fears of an anthrax attack.

A Brussels fire brigade spokesperon told Belgian newspaper Le Libre that several envelopes containing "white powder" emerged in the building.
The mosque is just moments away from the European Parliament.
It is just days since France sent its army to protect vital water facilities in Paris amid fears of an ISIS chemical attack.
Guys in decontamination suits going into main Brussels mosque just now.

As many as 11 people have reportedly been rushed to hospital – it is understood this is part of the decontamination process.

The substance is not believed to be radioactive after "partial tests" by fire crews. The news comes as government ministers, in Belgium, warned emergency services that terrorists could slip in undetected by stealing uniforms and posing as medics to attack hospitals.

Secretaria de saúde
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