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27 de novembro de 2015
Cólera - Tanzânia (04) (Várias Províncias), Surto, Atualização, Informações Oficiais, OMS/WHO.

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) of Tanzania has notified WHO of additional laboratory-confirmed cases of cholera. Across the country, at least 9,871 cases have been reported, including 150 deaths.

As of 25 November, the following regions had reported cases: Dar es Salaam (4,482 cases), Tanga (1,398 cases), Singida (861 cases), Mwanza (504 cases), Mara (436 cases), Kigoma (353 cases), Dodoma (284 cases), Morogoro (248 cases), Arusha (239 cases), Pwani (222 cases), Kagera (128 cases), Shinyanga (96 cases), Lindi (78 cases), Geita (48 cases), Rukwa (28 cases), Manyara (25 cases), Tabora (12 cases), Iringa (2 cases) and Kilimanjaro (2 cases).

As of 23 November, Zanzibar had reported 425 cases of infection, including 9 deaths. The two affected islands, Unguja and Pemba, had reported 223 and 202 cases respectively.

The number of daily reported cases is declining. However, the upcoming rainy season and the strongest forecasted El Niño event in twenty years could bring extensive flooding and unusually high rainfalls, and increase the transmission and international spread of the disease. In 1997, similar meteorological conditions were associated with the biggest ever cholera epidemic, with over 40,000 cases in Tanzania alone.

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Secretaria de saúde
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