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08 de dezembro de 2017
Fatal chikungunya virus: Emerging in Nepal

Thus, the time has arrived to take precautionary measures, establishing disease surveillance network, and to develop control and response programs against chikungunya virus in Nepal. Chikungunya virus is an emerging infectious tropical disease in South-Asia and is increasingly reported every year in Nepal. Last year, nearly half a dozen chikungunya viruses were detected in patients with febrile illnesses at Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (STIDH). According to the Epidemiology and Disease Control Division (EDCD), at least five patients have been diagnosed with chikungunya viruses this year, and three of them have died. This is the first reported death ever due to chikungunya virus in Nepal. STIDH first discovered chikungunya virus in 2013 in Nepal.


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